Fiber posts for strengthening weak teeth

Root canal treatment is essential to save teeth affected by dental Caries or an abscess. Dental Caries or decay is destructive and ends up destroying a bulk of the tooth portion. Root canal treatment in heavily damaged teeth tends to be insufficient by itself in such cases. Therefore, additional reinforcement is needed to restore the shape, size, strength, and function of such heavily damaged teeth.

What is a fiber post?

Earlier, the only option to reinforce such teeth was with the help of metallic posts. Posts are a type of dental restoration shaped in the form of a cylinder. However, the biggest drawback of the metallic post was aesthetics. The metallic component tends to discolor the tooth, which gives it a greyish-discolored appearance. Secondly, these tended to be too rigid, and in cases of high chewing forces, these would end up chipping the teeth.

Owing to these drawbacks, fiber posts were introduced. fiber posts are made from pre-stretched bio-compatible fiber, which can be made from carbon, silica, or quartz. These fibers are further impregnated with resin which ensures higher strength.

Procedure needs to be in points

  • The process for placement of a fiber post starts with a conventional root canal treatment.

  • Once the tooth’s canals are devoid of all the infected material and pulp tissues, a post is placed into the canal and a root canal-filling material

  • The post is used to stabilize the post while filling the remaining root canal and crown portion of the teeth.

Benefits of a Fiber Post

Excellent aesthetics.

Does not discolor the tooth.

Strengthens the teeth and provides additional reinforcement.

Prevents the tooth from breaking under stress after root canal treatment.

Provides a strong foundation for dental filling post root canal treatment.

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